Oral Cancer Screening
Noble Smiles Dentistry is a proud provider of oral cancer screening. Because oral cancers are not discussed as much as other cancers, there simply isn’t enough awareness of these devastating diseases. Oral cancers result in a significantly high number of deaths. That is why Noble Smiles Dentistry offers oral cancer screening as part of our general dentistry treatments to all our patients. We are committed to helping our patients maintain healthy mouths in every aspect of oral healthcare.
Oral cancers affect the neck and the throat, leaving sufferers in excruciating pain and discomfort. Treatments for oral cancers are limited, due in part to the debilitating nature of many intense cancer treating therapies. When oral cancers are not detected early, effective treatment options are further reduced. As such, survival rates are mainly affected by oral cancers not being detected early enough for life-saving treatments to work.
Identify Mouth Cancer Early
The purpose of early identification of oral cancers is to increase survival rates. When oral cancers are detected early, there are more treatment options available. The effectiveness of treatments are also greatly increased when oral cancers are detected in the earliest stages of the disease. Noble Smiles Dentistry has a dedicated program to ensure our patients receive oral cancer screenings before the condition has advanced beyond treatment.
Noble Smiles Dentistry has the technology to detect oral cancers before our patients even know there is a problem. The symptoms of many oral cancers are not visible until it is too late. With our early detection screening process, patients have the chance to seek treatment at the most crucial point in the cancer’s development.
Contact Noble Smiles Dentistry today for oral cancer screenings in Noblesville, IN, and surrounding areas. We want to give you the best chance in your fight against cancers that affect the mouth and throat.